Bir İnceleme C# IEnumerable Kullanımı

Bir İnceleme C# IEnumerable Kullanımı

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şu demek oluyor ki çıktı custom bir enumerator sınıfı yazmamıza gerek namevcut yield keyword'ü ile compiler bunu peş planda bizim ciğerin gestaltyor.

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If on the second house, I decide to alter the price (say add one million dollars to the price) - the entire list would change (the order is now different). "one at a time" and "all of them right now" are two different things.

System.Collections.IEnumerator. This interface provides the infrastructure to allow the caller to traverse the internal objects contained by the IEnumerable-compatible container:

Why do many philosophers consider a past-eternal universe to be self-explanatory but hamiş a universe that began with no cause?

While it might seem that only array types hayat make use of this construct, the truth of the matter is

It katışıksız a good performance when you are iterating through big objects or collections because it does not load the entire object to memory in order to make iteration.

IEnumerable describes behavior, while List is an implementation of that behavior. When you use C# IEnumerable Kullanımı IEnumerable, you give the compiler a chance to defer work until later, possibly optimizing along the way. If you use ToList() you force the compiler to reify the results right away.

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This takes an IEnumerator factory function, which usually birey be provided very easily instead of the single IEnumerator instance (which yields wrong results after first iteration and breaks the semantics of IEnumerable). This avoids the issues marked by Marc Gravell and establishes full IEnumerable behavior.

There's also the issues of deferred execution and unmanaged resources. IEnumerable takes use of the yield syntax, which mean you go over each item by-itself and dirilik perform all kinds of computations before C# IEnumerable Nedir and after. And again, this happens one-by-one, so you don't have to hold all the collection when you start. The computations won't actually be performed until the enumeration begins (i.e. until you run the foreach loop).

IEnumerable is an interface that C# IEnumerable Nasıl Kullanılır defines one method GetEnumerator which returns an IEnumerator interface, this in turn allows readonly access to a collection. A collection that implements IEnumerable sevimli C# IEnumerable Nasıl Kullanılır be used with a foreach statement.

If you are writing a class, and your class implements the IEnumerable interface (generic (T) or not) you're allowing C# IEnumerable Nedir any consumer of your class to iterate over its collection without knowing how it's structured.

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